In [1]:
import numpy as np

%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')

from pychangcooper import  GenericCoolingAcceleration

Generic Cooling and Acceleration

For a generic heating/cooling and acceleration problem, we rewrite the Fokker-Planck equation as:

\[\frac{\partial N\left(\gamma, t\right)}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial }{\partial \gamma} \left[ \left(C \left(\gamma \right) - A\left(\gamma \right) \right)N\left(\gamma, t\right) + D \left(\gamma \right) \frac{\partial N\left(\gamma, t\right)}{\partial \gamma}\right]\]


\[A\left(\gamma \right) = \frac{2}{\gamma}D\left(\gamma \right) \text{.}\]

Here we specify \(C \left( \gamma \right) = C_{0} \gamma^{a}\) and \(D\left( \gamma \right) = \frac{1}{2 t_{\text{acc}}} \gamma^{b}\) where the acceleration time is \(t_{\text{acc}}\). The steady-state solution for this problem (given no injection or escape) is

\[N(\gamma) \propto \gamma^2 \exp \left[ \frac{2 t_{\text{acc}}C_0 \left( \gamma^{b+1 -a} \right)} {a-1-b} \right]\]


If we let \(a=b=2\), an electron of energy \(\gamma\) will cool in a characteristic time \(t_{\text{cool}}(\gamma) = 1 / \left(C_0 \gamma \right)\), thus when the cooling time is equal to the acceleration time, and electron will have an equilibrium energy \(\gamma_{\text{e}} = \frac{1}{t_{\text{acc}}C_0}\).

Solving the equation

Setting an initial distribution

We will start with an initial flat electron distribution at low energy and let it evolve for \(50\cdot t_{\text{acc}}\).

In [2]:
n_grid_points = 300

init_distribution = np.zeros(n_grid_points)

for i in range(30):

    init_distribution[i+1] = 1.

Create the solver

We set \(C_0 = 1\) and \(t_{\text{acc}} = 10^{-4}\) and thus \(\gamma_{\text{e}} = 10^4\).

In [3]:
generic_ca = GenericCoolingAcceleration(n_grid_points=n_grid_points,
                                        C0 = 1.,
                                        t_acc= 1E-4,
                                        initial_distribution = init_distribution,
                                        store_progress = True

Run the solver:

In [4]:
for i in range(50):


Plot the history of the solution

In [5]:
fig = generic_ca.plot_evolution(skip=2,

ax = fig.get_axes()[0]

# plot the equilbrium solution
ax.axvline(1E4,color='red',lw = 4, zorder=100, alpha=.5)

<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x106931e10>